
Your destination for JTBLabs assets, trademarks, and guidelines.

Our logo.

We do not like restrictions. That is why we are not going to say clichés like 'If you do not follow certain rules, you cannot use our logo.'. However since legal problems might occur we need to state some important stuff to protect ourselves.


We love colors. While using our logo, you can use any color you want with our logo. There is no restrictions of it. But if you ask what is our official color, it is Gunmetal:

  • #292e37 in HEX
  • 41 46 55 in RGB
  • 25 16 0 78 in CMYK
  • 219 15 19 in HSL



Even though there is no official spacing rules, make sure that you gave enough room for allowing our logo to breathe.

The recommended spacing (at least) for it is 1/4 the length of the logo itself. So if you are going to use the logo as 16x16, make sure to give at least 4px margin to it.


Additional info.

If you want to learn which font we've used in bottom text of the logo, the bold side is DraftB-Bold and thin one side is DraftB-Light.


Even though we name ourselves as JTBLabs officially (no space between words, JTBL capitalized the rest is lowercase), we really do not care how you attributed us in your projects, tweets, articles etc. Just make yourself really comfortable while referring us. :)

Legal notes.

  • Never use JTBLabs' logos or icons as your own. Please don’t incorporate JTBLabs' marks, in whole or in part, in the name of your company, product, service, website, domain name, application, or website.
  • Remember to always be clear that your work is about JTBLabs, not by JTBLabs. Please name your books and publications something unique, and do not incorporate JTBLabs' marks in the title or cover.
  • A product branded with the JTBLabs name or logo is a reflection of JTBLabs. We don’t allow others to make, sell, or give away anything with our name or logo on it.
  • As JTBLabs, we reserve the right to cancel, modify, or change our policy at any time at its sole discretion without notice.
  • As JTBLabs, we reserve the right to grant or deny any permission at its sole discretion and for any reason.
  • You may not use the JTBLabs trademarks in any manner that implies sponsorship orendorsement by JTBLabs without an express written permission and license from JTBLabs.
  • You may not use the JTBLabs trademarks to disparage JTBLabs, its products or services, or in a manner which, in JTBLabs' sole discretion, may diminish or tarnish JTBLabs' goodwill in the JTBLabs trademarks.
  • When creating a product, app, website, or other service that uses or interacts with JTBLabs, use a unique name, logo, and design that cannot be confused with the JTBLabs trademarks. You should not apply for any trademarks or domains that include the JTBLabs trademarks or any other confusingly similar variations.
  • You acknowledge that all rights to the JTBLabs trademarks are the exclusive property of JTBLabs, and all goodwill generated through your use of the JTBLabs trademarks will inure to the sole benefit of JTBLabs. You will not take any action that is in conflict with JTBLabs' rights in, or ownership of, the JTBLabs trademarks.


Once you are clear with the above, you can free to use our assets in your projects. You can download the variations of them from button below.

Copyright © 2025 JTBLabs - All rights reserved.